The use of neuraxial anesthesia has been the cornerstone of obstetric anesthesia since the 1960's; however, until recently, there have been very few advancements in the medications utilized. Spinal and epidural administration of dexmedetomidine, dexamethasone, and chloroprocaine are seeing rapid incorporation into obstetric anesthesia use, due to their ability to meet the unique needs of obstetric patients. Many CRNA's may be unfamiliar with the benefits, risks, and administration of these medications. This talk will familiarize the obstetric nurse anesthesiologist with the how's and why's of incorporating these medications into practice.
Learning Objectives:
Disucss underutilized neuraxial medications in obstetric anesthesia.
Understand indications and contraindications for underutilized neuraxial medications in obstetric anesthesia.
Understand risks, benefits and dosages for underutilized neuraxial medications in obstetric anesthesia.