Despite its widespread application as a perioperative monitor during non-cardiac surgery, most CRNAs lack the knowledge and skills to perform transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). This likely is particularly true for CRNAs with exclusive practices outside of cardiac surgery. To address this condition, the AANA has recommended monitoring and interpretation of TEE as a special privilege for CRNAs, and the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs has identified point of care ultrasound — a term that includes TEE — as a desired skill in nurse anesthesia training.
Class A credit can only be earned for participation in synchronous learning via live in-person or live webinar sessions. In-person attendees can only receive Class A credit for the sessions they attend live.
Due to CE guidelines, sessions which are recorded will not be available for viewing immediately following Congress.
Learning Objectives:
Identify the common, important uses for focused TEE in non-cardiac surgery.
Discuss relative and absolute contraindications to TEE, and the common TEE-associated complications and their approximate incidence.
Utilize focused TEE imagery to diagnose the cause(s) of hypothetical adverse clinical scenarios and implement appropriate therapy during non-cardiac surgery.